Utility connections in port

08-18-2021 comment

IEC 80005-1-2019 pdf download.Utility connections in port — Part 1: High voltage shore connection (HVSC) systems — General requirements.
Different voltage and frequency tolerances may be imposed by the authorities responsible for the shore supply system and these shall be considered as part of the compatibility assessment to verify the effect on the connected ship load is acceptable.
Where the possible loading conditions of a ship when connected to a HV shore supply would result In a quality of the supply different from that specified In IEC 60092-1O1:1994/AMD1:1995, 2.8, due regard shall be given to the effect this may have on the performance of equipment.
6 Shore side Installation
6.1 General
Shore connection equipment and installations shall be in accordance with IEC 61936-1.
NOTE Local auIhoa1•i can hav• adddonal eequiremenls
The rating of the HVSC system shall be adequate for the required electrical load as calculated by 4.8.
The shore-side electrical system shall ensure that each connected ship Is galvanically isolated from other connected ships and consumers.
The use of HVSC system shall not compromise the electrical protection selectivity of the largest on-board load (as per the definition in IEC 60050-151:2001, 151-15-15) while connected.
6.2 System component requirements
6.2.1 CircuIt-breaker, disconnector and earthing switch
In order to have the installation isolated before it is earthed, the circuit-breaker, disconnector and earthing switch shall be interlocked in accordance with IEC 62271-200.
The rated making capacity of the circuit breaker and the earthing switch shall not be less than the prospective peak value of the short-circuit current (I) calculated in accordance with
IEC 61363-1.
The rated short-circuit breaking capacity of the circuit-breaker shall not be less than the maximum prospective symmetrical short-circuit current (1Ac(o.ST)) calculated in accordance with IEC 61 363-1.
In the event of over-temperature, an alarm signal shall be transmitted to the ship using the data-communication link, if such data-communication link is installed (see 7.8). The alarm signal shall activate an alarm onboard to warn relevant duty personnel.
Short-circuit protection for each supply transformer shall be provided by circuit-breakers or fuses In the primary circuit and by a circuit breaker In the secondary. In addition, overload protection shall be provided for the primary and secondary circuit.
6.2.3 Neutral earthing resistor
The neutral point of the HVSC system transformer shall be earthed
a) through a neutral earthing resistor, or
b) where frequency conversion of the shore supply is required, either through a neutral earthing resistor, or through an earthing transformer with a resistor on the primary or secondary side.
NOTE For HVSC $yst.ms dedecated to tankers o llqu.(.d natural gas cainers (LNGC) ship types. toter to ship specific annexes
The neutral earthing resistor rating in amperes shall not be less than 1,25 times the prospective system charging current. The rating shall be minimum 25 A, 5 s.
The continuity of the neutral earthing resistor shall be continuously monitored. In the event of loss of continuity, the shore-side circuit breaker shall be tripped.
An earth fault shall not create a step or touch voltage exceeding 30 V at any location in the shore-to-ship power system.
6.2.4 Equipm.nt-.arthing conductor bonding
A system earthing conductor shall connect the neutral earthing resistor’s earthing connection to a nearby system-earthing electrode. An additional system-bonding conductor shall connect the neutral earthing resistor’s earthing connection to the earthing bus of the primary shore power switchboard. Bonding shall be In accordance with 8.2.3 of IEC 60204-11:2000.
Equipmont-earthing conductors terminated at the shore’s three-phase socket-outlets shall be connected to the ship and continued to the ship to create an equipotential bond between the shore and ship. This shall require bonding to the ship’s swltchgear earthing bus and/or bonding to the ship’s hull.
6.3 Shore-to-ship electrical protection system.IEC 80005-1-2019 pdf download.Utility connections in port

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