Requirements and tests for spacers

08-31-2021 comment

Requirements and tests for spacers
IEC 61854-
2020 pdf download.Overhead lines — Requirements and tests for spacers
Lignes aériennes — Exigences et essais applicables aux entretoises.
7.1 VIsual examination
Type tests shall include visual examination to ascertain conformity of the spacers. in all essential respects, with the manufacturing or contract drawings. Deviations from the drawings shall be subject to the approval of the purchaser and shall be appropriately documented as an agreed concession.
Sample tests and, if required, routine tests shall include visual examination to ensure conformity of manufacturing process. shape. coahng and surface finish of the spacer with the contract drawings. Particular attention shall be given to the markings required and to the finish of surfaces which come into contact with the conductor,
The sample test procedures and acceptance criteria shall be agreed between purchaser and supplier.
For spacers subject to corona type tests, the sample test shall include a comparison of shape and surface finish with one of the corona type test samples when specified or agreed by the purchaser.
7.2 Verification of dimensions, materials and mass
Type. sample and, if required, routine tests shall include verification of dimensions to ensure that spacers are within the dimensional tolerances stated on contract drawings. The purchaser may choose to witness the measurement of selected dimensions or may inspect the supplier’s documentation when this is available.
Type. sample and, if required. routine tests shall also include verification of materials to ensure that they are in accordance with contract drawings and documents This verification shall normally be carried out by the purchaser inspecting the supplier’s documentation relating to material specifications, certificates of conformity or other quality documentation.
The total mass of the spacer complete with all its components shall comply with the mass shown on the contract drawing (within given tolerances).
7.3 Corrosion protection test
7.3.1 Hot dip galvanized components (other than stranded galvanized steel wires)
Hot dip galvanized components other than stranded galvanized steel wires shall be tested in accordance with the requirements specified in: Iso 1461.
The coating thicknesses shall conform to Tables 3 and 4 unless otherwise agreed between purchaser and supplier. However, for the purpose of this document.
7.3.2 Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods other than hot dip galvanizing
Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods other than hot dip galvanizing shall be tested in accordance with the requirement of the relevant IECIISO standards. as agreed between purchaser and supplier.
7.3.3 Stranded galvanized steel wires
Stranded galvanized steel wires shall be tested in accordance with the requirements specified in IEC 60888
7.3.4 Corrosion caused by non-metallic components
By agreement between purchaser and supplier, evidence of non-corrosion compatibility between the elastomer and the conductor or spacer components, as appropriate, shall be demonstrated by a corrosion test or by suitable service experience. Alternatively, and where appropriate, the purchaser may specify for each subassembly containing an elastomer, a range of electrical resistance which provides adequate conductivity for electrical charging but minimizes galvanic action.
NOTE Non-metallic components, especially elastomeric elements lining a spacer clamp or providing the flexibility and damping in a spacer damper. are commonly macfe electrically conducting to avoid any problems that might otherwise arise from the capacitive charging of ihe arms or body of the spacer Carbon is frequently used in elastonier formulations, both to achieve the desired stiffness and damping and to provide electrical conductivity. Some constituents of the non-metallic components, such as chlorides, free sulphur, etc may have corrosion effects
The combination of the nature of the rubber. the pollution and the electrolyte are responsible tar a corrosion
7.4 Non-destructive tests
The purchaser shall specify or agree to relevant test methods (ISO or other) and acceptance criteria. Examples of non-destructive tests are as follows:
— magnetic test:
— eddy current test:
radiographic test:
— ultrasonic test:
-. proof load test:
— dye penetrant test:
— hardness test.IEC 61854-2020 pdf download.

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