Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing

08-31-2021 comment

Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing
IEC 60519-1-
2020 pdf download.Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing — Part 1: General requirements
Sécurité dans les installations destinées au traitement électrothermique et electromagnetique — Partie 1: Exigences générales.
6.3.4 The EH or EPM installation or equipment shall be capable of operating safely when the relative humidity does not exceed 50 % at a maximum temperature of 40 °C. Higher relative humidity is permitted at lower temperatures (e.g. less than 90 % at 20 °C). The EH or EPM installation or equipment shall either be able to operate safely if condensation happens occasionally or the manufacturer shall avoid condensation by design or, where necessary, by additional measures (e.g. built-in heaters, air conditioners or drain holes).
6.3.5 The EH or EPM installation or equipment shall be capable of operating safely at air pressure expected at up to 1 000 m altitude and under a wide range of climate and weather conditions. The lower ambient pressure limit shall be 85 % of normal sea-level atmospheric pressure, unless agreed differently between the manufacturer and the user and specified in the instructions for use.
For equipment intended to be used at higher altitudes or lower air pressure, it is necessary to take into account the reduction of the dielectric strength, the switching capability of the devices and the reduction of the cooling effect of the air caused by reduced density.
6.3.6 The electrical equipment of the EH or EPM installation or equipment shall be adequately protected against the ingress of solids and liquids according to 11.3 of IEC 60204-1:2016 for LV equipment. It shall be adequately protected against contaminants (e.g. dust, acids, corrosive gases or salts) that can be present in the physical environment for which it is intended.
6.3.7 When the EH or EPM installation or equipment or parts of it are exposed to radiation (e.g. MW, UV, laser or X-ray), additional measures shall be taken to avoid malfunctioning of the equipment, accelerated deterioration of the insulation, metal degradation or corrosion due to radiation induced effects
6.3.8 Undesirable effects on the EH or EPM Installation or equipment caused by vibration, shock and bump (Including those generated by the installation and its associated equipment and those created by the physical environment) shall be avoided by the selection of suitable equipment, by mounting it away from the equipment creating the vibration or shock. or by provision of anti-vibration or anti-shock mountings.
6.3.9 When the EH or EPM installation or equipment or parts of it are exposed to plasma, corrosive chemicals or other adverse agents, additional measures shall be taken to avoid malfunctioning, accelerated deterioration of the insulation, metal degradation or corrosion due to radiation induced effects.
6.4 Physical environment and operating conditions for electrical equipment caused by operation of the processing equipment
6.4.3 Electrical equipment shall be adequately protected against the ingress of solids and liquids, in particular against contaminants (e.g. dust, acids, corrosive gases or salts) that are expected to be present inside and outside the processing equipment.
6.4.4 When electrical equipment inside the processing equipment is exposed to radiation (e.g. MW, UV, laser or X-ray), additional measures shall be taken to avoid malfunctioning of the equipment or accelerated deterioration of the insulation caused by the radiation.
6.4.5 Undesirable effects on the EH or EPM installation or equipment caused by vibration, shock and bump generated by the processing equipment and those created by the physical environment shall be avoided by selection of suitable electrical equipment, by mounting it away from the processing equipment, or by provision of anti-vibration mountings.
6.4.6 When electrical equipment inside the processing equipment Is exposed to plasma. corrosive chemicals or other adverse agents, additional measures shall be taken to avoid malfunctioning of the equipment, accelerated deterioration of the insulation, metal degradation or corrosion due to radiation induced effects. This includes effects from arcing in vacuum caused by voltage locally or temporarily exceeding breakthrough voltage.
NOTE Breakthrough can happen over a very broad pressure range and whenever voltage exceeds the minimum breakthrough voltage of the atmosphere inside the equipment. Arcs can become self-sustaining once ignited.
6.5 Power supply
6.5.1 The installation shall be designed to operate correctly under normal operation with
the conditions of the supply network
— as specified below, or
— as otherwise specified by the user and acknowledged by the manufacturer, or
— as specified by the manufacturer in the case of a special source of supply such as an onboard generator.
For mains frequency supplies, the following, according to IEC 60204-1:2016, applies, unless otherwise explicitly agreed between the manufacturer and the user
a) steady state voltage in the range of 90% to 110% of nominal voltage:
b) frequency in the range of 0,99 to 1,01 of nominal frequency continuously: 0.98 to 1,02 short time (no excessive temperature rise in components due to an abnormal current).
For special supply systems such as onboard generators, the limits given may be exceeded provided that the equipment is designed to operate correctly under those conditions.IEC 60519-1-2020 pdf download.

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