Household and similar electrical appliances

08-25-2021 comment

Household and similar electrical appliances
IEC 60704-2-1-
2020 pdf download.Household and similar electrical appliances — Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise — Part 2-1: Particular requirements for dry vacuum cleaners
Appareils electrodomestiques et analogues — Code d’essai pour Ia determination du bruit aérien — Partie 2-1: Exigences particulières pour les aspirateurs a sec.
For declaration and compliance purposes, related tests conducted on a surface type (carpet or hard surface with or without crevice) shall be conducted with the same dry vacuum cleaner setting configurations such as power, cleaning head and cleaning head setting.
Unless otherwise specified, the dry vacuum cleaner setting configurations, such as cleaning head and cleaning head setting, shall be used and adjusted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions for the surface to be cleaned (e.g. carpet or hard floor) for the test to be carried out.
In the absence of unambiguous instructions within the manufacturer’s instructions, the product shall be tested with settings that are in accordance with any explicitly clear text, symbol or pictogram that is identifiable on the product.
If, after following the above order of checks, the tester believes the device under test to be in a configuration that is ambiguous, or that multiple configurations are possible with no way to clearly determine which is the most suitable for a given task, then the manufacturer shall be contacted for additional guidance.
If all of the above-mentioned measures to get information regarding the correct setting fail, the setting for maximum continuous airflow shall be used.
Complete details of the settings used for each cleaning task shall be recorded in the test documentation.
If the dry vacuum cleaner is designed to be used with disposable dust receptacles, it shall, prior to each measurement, be equipped with a new dust receptacle of the type recommended or supplied by the manufacturer of the dry vacuum cleaner.
lithe dry vacuum cleaner is provided with a reusable dust receptacle (as the sole original dust receptacle or as an enclosure for disposable dust receptacles), the dust receptacle and any additional filters removable without the aid of tools shall, prior to each measurement, be cleaned in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions until its mass is within 1 % or 2 g of its original mass, whichever is the lower.
Each test of a cordless dry vacuum cleaner is started with a fully charged sample. For tests where more than one repeat is needed, testing should be carried out on one full Charge. This document does not currently address changing performance throughout the whole run time of some appliances. Results at different states of battery charge can vary. However, if the device becomes fully discharged during a repeat, that repeat is annulled, and the product is fully charged.
Prior to the first test on a new mains-operated vacuum cleaner, It shall be kept running with unrestricted air flow for at least 2 h to ensure adequate running-in. For active nozzles, the agitation device shall be running but not be in contact with the floor.
Prior to the first test (and following preparation in line with the manufacturer’s instructions) on a new cordless dry vacuum cleaner, it shall be fully charged in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and then discharged by running in the same setting as for the noise measurement with unrestricted air flow. The sequence shall be repeated one more time with an interval of at least two hours after each discharge. For active nozzles during discharge. the agitation device shall be running but not in contact with the floor.
Prior to conducting any series of tests, the age. condition, and history of the product shall be recorded.
If the vacuum cleaner is unused for more than 1 h, then the vacuum cleaner and attachments
to be used shall be kept running for at least 10 mm to allow them to stabilise.
For appliances supplied from batteries, this duration for stabilisation is reduced to I mm.
6.2 Supply of electric energy and of water or gas
Rechargeable vacuum cleaners are measured with fully charged batteries and disconnected from the external power source.
6.4 Loading and operating of appliances during tests
Vacuum cleaners shall be operated either on standard Wilton test carpet or on standard hard floor, depending on the function specified by the manufacturer. Vacuum cleaners designed for cleaning both carpets and hard floor shall be operated on a standard Wilton test carpet and on a standard hard floor.IEC 60704-2-1-2020 pdf download.

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