Steam turbines

08-18-2021 comment

IEC 60045-1-2020 pdf download.Steam turbines Part 1 : Specifications
Turbines a vapeur Partie 1 : Specifications.
The guaranteed value is based on thermodynamic boundary conditions. This condition shall be specified and agreed between the purchaser and the supplier. The thermodynamic boundary conditions may be shown in a heat balance diagram or a table.
Where the condenser or regenerative feedwater heaters are not included in the turbine supplier’s contract, the purchaser shall supply with its specification a diagram of the feedwater heating system together with sufficient information to enable the heat rate guarantees of the complete set to be formulated. Alternatively, the supplier shall state in its tender the number of heaters, valve losses, piping losses, pump losses and distribution of the feedwater heaters, the feedwater heater terminal temperature differences, and the pressure differences between the turbine and the heaters which have been used in formulating the guarantee and any other auxiliary equipment which has an effect on the heat rate not included in the turbine suppliers contract.
The turbine supplier shall be given the opportunity of adjusting its guarantees should the feedwater heating system finally agreed upon differ from the system on which the guarantee was based.
Similar steps shall be taken in wet-steam turbines where either the moisture separators, or the re-heaters, or both, are not included in the turbine contract.
Where regenerative feedwater heaters are included, the requirements in 18.4 shall be applied.
The purchaser and the supplier shall find a clear definition of the guaranteed value (for example heat rate, steam rate or power output definition).
4.2.3 Output or steam flow capacity
The turbine shall demonstrate that it provides its rated output, or alternatively its rated steam flow capacity, when the terminal conditions are as specified in the contract. The test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the relevant code in 4.2.1.
4.2.4 Auxiliary plant power
If a guarantee is given on the power consumption of a continuously running auxiliary plant, a list of such plant items shall be agreed. The power consumption of each such item shall be either measured when the turbine is at specified output and specified terminal conditions or as otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
4.2.5 Steam tables
5.1 General
This Clause 5 addresses the risks of injury or death to humans and risks to the environment.
Equipment damage without risk to humans or the environment is not covered.
The overall objective of “product safety” is to ensure that equipment is designed and maintained throughout its life to attain an appropriate level of safety for its intended application.
The steam turbine and its auxiliary systems should comply with applicable international, national and local safety requirements during all life cycle phases.
To achieve these objectives of product safety, the process defined in ISO 12 100:2010 shall be applied. Application of another equivalent code may be agreed between the purchaser and the supplier.
The content of this document should not prejudice technical advances in the field of steam turbine safety or be used to inhibit innovation that can lead to increased safety.
One of the aspects of this process is the performance of an overall risk assessment of the complete steam turbine scope and the definition and validation of the appropriate risk mitigations throughout its lifetime.
The required level of risk mitigation shall be based on a risk assessment.
Risk assessment of the complete turbo set (turbine and generator) does not fall within the scope of the turbine supplier, but within that of the supplier of the complete turbo set.
The participation of parties in a risk assessment, for example, a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) shall be requested in the technical specification. See also 17.14.
5.2 Risk assessment
5.2.1 General
Risk assessments shall be performed to determine whether the steam turbine and associated equipment within the scope of supply can cause injury to people or pose a threat to people’s lives.
The content of the risk assessment process should, as a minimum, address the safety issues raised within ISO 12100:2010 and include the intended use and the reasonably foreseeable misuse over the life cycle of the steam turbine.IEC 60045-1-2020 pdf download.Steam turbines

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