Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing

08-24-2021 comment

Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing
IEC 60519-1
-2020 pdf download.Safety in installations for electroheating and electromagnetic processing — Part 1: General requirements
Sécurité dans es installations destinées au traitement electrothermique et electromagnétique — Partie 1: Exigences générales.
This risk assessment shall be expanded and specified accordingly throughout the development of the Particular requirements of IEC 60519 (all parts).
The risk assessment in Annex A covers a very broad cluster of equipment and installations, therefore it Is quite generic and may not cover specific origins, particular hazardous situations or events, or potential consequences in the details deemed necessary by the manufacturer. The manufacturer shall then add to this risk assessment the specifics of his technical solution as specified in ISO 12100:2010.
If the manufacturer intends to make an equipment or installation not fully under the scope of this document and its risk assessment, or if the Particular requirement is outdated and not referring to this document or no Particular requirement exists, he is advised to reconsider the risk assessment in Annex A. This document then assists with the risk assessment and risk reduction procedure as specified in ISO 12100:2010.
6 General provisions
6.1 Basic considerations
6.1.1 The EH or EPM Installation or equipment shall be suitable for its intended use, it shall be designed to be operated, adjusted and maintained without putting persons at risk. Design and construction shall ensure adequate reduction of the risks during normal operation or in single fault condition, at the state of the art and considering the foreseeable lifetime of the EH or EPM installation or equipment.
Any risk through the workload when the workload is processed as intended in the EH or EPM Installation and that is foreseeable to the manufacturer shall be adequately reduced.
6.1.2 The EH or EPM installation or equipment shall be designed to prevent or to reduce the possibility of misuse or fault condition.
6.1.3 The EH or EPM installation or equipment shall not pose a risk of the immediate or non-perceivable types, unless the intended use is otherwise impossible to achieve. Additional protective measures, warnings and instructions shall be provided in such cases.
6.1.4 The manufacturer shall, in the following order,
a) eliminate risks to achieve an inherent safe installation or equipment,
b) provide protective measures for those risks that are not eliminated, and
C) provide all necessary information to the user about residual risks, indicate necessary training and personal protective equipment.
f) indication of the necessary personal protective equipment to be worn by the operator when attending, and
g) indication of working procedures that are safe or reduce the risk.
6.1.8 If a specific hazard is in risk class 3 as defined in Table 3 and cannot be reduced further by the manufacturer, the manufacturer shall provide detailed information for the user, including
a) a graphical description or plan of the installation indicating the position and extent of areas belonging to zones with risk class 3,
b) information on signalling and warning devices — see 19.3,
C) necessary marking and written warning — see 19.4, and
d) indication of the necessary information for the operators — see 19.5.
6.1.9 Adequate risk reduction shall not be confused with the reduction of exposure to levels near exposure limits. Adequate risk reduction eliminates a hazard, or if this is impossible, reduces exposure to the technical limit. The adequate use of exposure limits Is the responsibility of the user.
6.2 SignifIcant hazards
Provisions for protection against the identified significant hazards defined in Annex A are specified in Clauses 6 to 17. Verification of compliance with the provisions of this document shall be done according to Clause 18.
6.3 Physical environment and operating conditions for the installation as such and electrical equipment outside the processing equipment
6.3.1 The EH or EPM installation or equipment and Its electrical equipment not placed inside the processing equipment shall be suitable for the physical environment and operating conditions of its Intended use.
When special conditions apply or the limits specified in 6.3 are exceeded, an agreement between the manufacturer and user may be necessary. Subclause 4.1 of IEC 60204-1:2016 is applicable for LV installations and 4.1 of IEC 60204-11:2018 is applicable for HV installations.
6.3.2 The Eli or EPM Installation or equipment shall not generate electromagnetic disturbances above levels that are appropriate for its intended operating environment.
6.3.3 The EH or EPM Installation or equipment shall be capable of operating safely in the intended ambient air temperature. The minimum requirement for all electrical equipment Is safe operation at air temperatures between 5 °C and 40 °C.IEC 60519-1-2020 pdf download.

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