Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Urn = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Urn = 170 kV)

08-29-2021 comment

Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Urn = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Urn = 170 kV)
IEC 60840
-2020 pdf download.Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Urn = 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Urn = 170 kV) — Test methods and requirements
Cables d’énergie a isolation extrudée et leurs accessoires pour des tensions assignees supérieures a 30 kV (urn = 36 kV) etjusqu’a 150 kV(Lm = 170 kV) — Méthodes et exigences d’essai.
6 Cable characteristics
For the purpose of carrying out the cable system or cable tests described in this document and recording the results, the cable shall be identified. The following characteristics shall be declared by the manufacturer:
a) Name of manufacturer, type, designation and manufacturing date (date of last production phase) or date code.
b) Rated voltage: values shall be given for U0, LI, Urn (see 4.1 and 8.4).
c) Fire performance: if ST1. ST2 or ST,2 oversheath material is used, then the subclauses of 12.5.14 to which compliance is claimed, apply.
NOTE Fire performance is dependent on the cable design as well as the oversheath material.
d) Type of conductor, its material and nominal cross-sectional area, in square mm; conductor construction; presence, if any. and nature of measures taken to reduce skin effect; presence, if any, and nature of measures taken to achieve longitudinal watertightness; if the nominal cross-sectional area is not in accordance with IEC 60228, the maximum DC conductor resistance, corrected to 1 km length and to 20 C.
e) Compound (as defined in Table 1) and nominal thickness of insulation (ta) (see 4.2). If the insulation is XLPE, special additives shall be declared if the higher value of tan according to Table 3 is applicable.
f) Type of manufacturing process for insulation system.
g) Presence, if any, and nature of watertightness measures in the screening area.
h) Metal screen/sheath:
— constructional details of metal screen, for example material and construction of metal screen, number and diameter of wires: material, construction and nominal thickness of metal sheath, or longitudinally applied metal tape or foil bonded to the oversheath, if any. For cables with longitudinal applied metal tape or foils bonded to the oversheath whether the type CD or SD or SscD:
— maximum DC resistance of the metal screen.
i) Compound (as defined in Table 2) and nominal thickness of oversheath, and if applicable. nature and material of semi-conductive covering.
j) Nominal diameter of the conductor (1).
k) Nominal overall diameter of the cable (D).
I) Nominal inner diameter (d11) and calculated nominal outer diameter (D10) of the insulation.
m) Nominal capacitance, corrected to 1 km length, between conductor and metal screen/sheath.
n) Calculated nominal electrical stress at conductor screen (E1) and at insulation screen
Standard values of U0 in kV are given in Table 4.
If the calculated nominal electrical stress at the conductor screen is higher than 8,0 kV/mm andlor the calculated nominal electrical stress at the insulation screen is higher than 4.0 kV/mm, then a prequalification test according to Clause 13 is required.
o) The design of any integrated optical element(s), if applicable.
p) Whether a prequalification test is required and/or detailed test report(s) for existing relevant PQ test(s) covering the cable system, if any.
7 Accessories characteristics
7.1 Gas immersed cable terminations
Gas immersed cable terminations for use at rated voltages above 52 kV shall be designed in accordance with IEC 62271-209.
7.2 Composite insulators for outdoor cable terminations
Composite insulators for outdoor cable terminations shall have an MML complying with Table 10, Level I or II. Level I refers to a normal load and shall be generally applied, unless a purchaser specifies a heavy load of Level II. Alternatively, a different value of MML may be agreed between purchaser and supplier.
7.3 Accessory characteristics to be declared
For the purpose of carrying Out the cable system or accessory tests described in this document and recording the results, the accessory shall be identified.
The following characteristics shall be declared by the manufacturer:
a) cables used for testing accessories shall be correctly identified as in Clause 6;
b) a drawing shall be provided in which all relevant features tested under Annex H are shown, see Clause H.1;
C) current carrying connections used within the accessories shall be correctly identified, for both the conductor and metal screen, with respect to:
• assembly technique,
• type, reference number and any other identification of the connector(s).
• details of the type test approval of the connector(s), if applicable; d) accessories to be tested shall be correctly identified with respect to:
• name of manufacturer.IEC 60840-2020 pdf download.

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