Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances

08-22-2021 comment

Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
IEC 60335-2-9-2019 pdf download.Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
Appareils électrodomestaques et analogues — Sécurité — Partie 2-9: Exigences particulières pour les grils, les grille-pain et les appareils de cuisson mobiles analogues.
14 Transient overvoltages
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
15 Moisture resistance
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
15.2 Addition:
For ovens. 0,5 I of water containing approximately 1 % NaCI is poured uniformly over the bottom surface of the oven.
Hotplates and cookers are positioned so that the top surface is horizontal. A vessel having the largest diameter shown in Figure 103, which does not exceed the diameter of the cooking zone, is completely filled with water containing approximately I % NaCI and positioned centrally over the cooking zone. A further quantity of approximately 0,5 I of the solution is poured steadily into the vessel over a period of 15 s. The test is carried out on each cooking zone in turn, after removing any residual solution from the appliance. For induction wok hotplates, the test is performed using the wok pan that is supplied by the manufacturer with the induction wok hotplate at the point of sale.
If the heating element of a hotplate incorporates a thermal control, 0,02 I of the saline solution is poured over the cooking zone so that it flows over the control. A vessel is then placed on the cooking zone to depress any movable part.
For hotplates having ventilation openings in the heated surface, 0,2 I of the saline solution is poured steadily through the funnel onto the ventilation openings. The funnel has an outlet diameter of 8 mm and is positioned vertically with the outlet 200 mm above the heated surface. The funnel is positioned above the ventilation openings so that the solution enters the appliance in the most unfevourable way.
NOTE 101 It the opening Is protected, the funnel is positioned 50 that the solution falls onto the heated surface as close as possible to the opening.
For other appliances with heating elements that are covered by vessels in normal use, the spillage test is carried out by steadily pouring saline solution onto the heating surface over a period of 1 mm, 0,11 of solution being used for every 100 cm2 of the heating surface.
The spillage test is not carried out on roasters.
15.101 Appliances intended to be partially or completely immersed in water for cleaning shall have adequate protection against the effects of Immersion.
Compliance is checked by the following tests, which are carried out on three additional appliances.
The appliances are operated under normal operation at 1,15 times rated power input, until the thermostat operates for the first time. Appliances without a thermostat are operated until steady conditions are established. The appliances are disconnected from the supply, any appliance connector being withdrawn, They are then completely immersed in water containing approximately I % NaCI and having a temperature between 10 °C and 25 °C, unless they are marked with the maximum level of immersion, in which case they are immersed 5 cm deeper than this level.
After I h. the appliances are removed from the saline solution, dried and subjected to the leakage current test of 16.2. Care shall be taken to ensure that all moisture is removed from the insulation around the pins of appliance inlets.
This test is carried out four more times, after which the appliances shall withstand the electric strength test of 16.3, the voltage being as specified in Table 4.
The appliance having the highest leakage current after the fifth immersion is dismantled arid
inspection shall show that there is no trace of liquid on insulation that could result in a
reduction of clearances and creepage distances below the values specified in Clause 29.
The remaining two appliances are operated under normal operation for 240 h at 1,15 times rated power Input. After this period, the appliances are disconnected from the supply and immersed again for I Ii. They are then dried and subjected to the electric strength test of 16.3, the voltage being as specified in Table 4.
Inspection shall show that there is no trace of liquid on insulation that could result in a reduction of clearances and creepage distances below the values specified in Clause 29.
16 Leakage current and electric strength
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
16.1 Addition:
For hotplates, the tests are carried out with a vessel as specified for normal operation placed on each cooking zone.IEC 60335-2-9-2019 pdf download.

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