Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care

08-22-2021 comment

Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care
IEC 60335-2-23
-2019 pdf download.Household and similar electrical appliances — Safety — Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care
Appareils electrodomestiques et analogues — Sécurité — Partie 2-23: Exigences particulières pour les appareils destinés aux soins de Ia peau ou des cheveux.
ISO 7010:2011, Graphical symbols — Safety colours and safety signs — Registered safety
3 Terms and definitions
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
3.1.9 Replacement:
normal operation
operation of the appliance under the following conditions:
Helmet-type hairdryers are operated with the axis of the hood inclined at an angle of 60° to the horizontal or the maximum angle allowed by the construction if this is less. A dull black- painted wooden sphere. 200 mm in diameter, is placed in the hood so that its centre coincides with the axis of the hood, the shortest distance between the sphere and the air-outlet grille being 50 mm.
Hairdryers having a flexible hood attachment are operated with the hood attachment placed over the wire frame of Figure 101. the frame being positioned over the wooden sphere.
Helmet-type hairdryers that are supported by the head are operated as hairdryers having a flexible hood attachment.
Hand-held hairdryers are operated with unrestricted airflow directed downwards.
Permanent-wave appliances are operated in the normal position of use, the curling rollers hanging freely.
Heaters for detachable curlers are operated in the normal position of use together with the curlers.
Curling irons, curling combs and similar appliances are operated with their major axis horizontal.
Appliances having steam-producing or spray-producing devices are operated with the container empty or tilled, whichever is more unfavourable. However, if the appliance is marked to indicate that it is to be used with the container filled, the container is filled. Water is added, when necessary. to compensate for evaporation.
Hand dryers are operated in the normal position of use with unrestricted airflow.
heater for detachable curlers
appliance for heating curling irons or curling rollers that accumulate heat
swivel connection
means for connecting the supply cord so that the appliance can be rotated continuously without twisting the cord
foot care appliance
appliance for softening the feet skin or relaxing the feet
4 General requirement
This clause of Part 1 is applicable.
5 General conditions for the tests
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows
5.2 Addition:
The additional test of 25. 14 for hand-held appliances is carried out on a separate appliance.
6 ClassIfication
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
6.1 Replacement:
Appliances shall be of one of the following classes with respect to protection against electric shock:
— hairdryers, curling irons, curling combs, facial saunas and other steam-producing or sprayproducing appliances shall be class II or class Ill. However, fixed hairdryers intended to be permanently connected to fixed wiring, helmet-type halrdryers for hairdressers and steam-producing or spray-producing appliances for hairdressers may be class I;
— water filled foot care appliances shall be class II or class ill;
— other aooliances shall be class I. class II or class Ill.IEC 60335-2-23-2019 pdf download.

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