Non-accessible insulation displacement (ID) connections — General requirements, test methods and practical guidance

08-24-2021 comment

Non-accessible insulation displacement (ID) connections — General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
IEC 60352-4-2020 pdf download.Solderless connections — Part 4: Non-accessible insulation displacement (ID) connections — General requirements, test methods and practical guidance
Connexions sans soudure — Partie 4: Connexions autodénudantes (CAD) non accessibles — Règles generales, méthodes d’essai et guide pratique.
5.4 Non-accessible insulation displacement connections (ID connections)
a) The combination of wire, non-accessible ID termination and, if applicable, connection tool shall be compatible.
b) When inserting the wire into the connection slot of the non-accessible ID termination, the inner sides of the beams shall displace the wire insulation and deform:
— the diameter of a solid round conductor or
— the apparent diameter of a stranded conductor (i.e. the circumscribing circle of the bundle of strands) and, in addition, the diameter of those strands which are in contact with the beams in order to produce a gas-tight connection.
c) The wire shall be correctly located in the connection slot of the non-accessible ID termination as specified by the detail product specification or the manufacturer’s specification (either of the accessible ID termination or of the connector using such termination). There shall be a sufficient distance between the termination and the wire end. The minimum value of that distance depends on the wire used and shall be as specified by the detail product specification or the manufacturer’s specification.
d) Only one wire in one connection slot shall be used.
6 Testing
6.1 Overview
All tests shall be carried out with non-accessible ID terminations and non-accessible ID connections being in their normal operating position, for example in their housings (e.g. the connector insulating body).
Where a non-accessible ID termination is designed to accommodate more than one non- accessible ID connection, each connection shall be tested individually.
6.2 General
As explained in the introduction to this document, there are two test schedules which shall be applied according to the following conditions:
— non-accessible ID connections which conform to all the prerequisites of Clause 5 shall be tested in accordance with and meet the requirements of the basic test schedule given in 8.3.
7 Tests
7.1 General examination
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with Test Ia: Visual examination of IEC 60512-1-1 and Test Ib: Examination of dimension and mass of IEC 60512-1-2. The visual examination test may be carried out with magnification up to approximately five times.
All parts shall be examined to determine whether the prerequisites and requirements of Clauses 5 to 6 have been met.
Examples for good ID connections (IDC) or negative results are shown in Annex B.
For better visual inspection, transversal microsections of the accessible lDCs are recommended. In addition more advanced non-destructive inspection methods (e.g. CT scanning) can be used. Examples for good transversal microsections or negative results are shown in Annex B.
7.2 Mechanical tests
7.2.1 General
Axial and transverse mechanical strength of wired terminations including the applicable strain relief features is specified by the detail product specification.
7.2.2 Bending of the cable/wire
The object of this test is to assess the ability of a non-accessible ID connection to withstand the mechanical stress caused by bending the connected wire or ribbon cable in a specified manner.
The test specimen shall be securely held in such a position that the wire(s) or the ribbon cable hangs along its (their) longitudinal axis in the connection slot(s). An axial load F shall be applied to the free end(s) of the wire(s) or ribbon cable to keep it (them) straight.
The value of this load shall be:
— 5 % to 10 % of the breaking strength of the wire where single wires are to be tested:
— 10 N to 50 N where ribbon cables are to be tested. The applicable load depends on the number of wires in the cable, the wire diameter, the type and/or material of the insulation and shall be specified by the detail product specification. The load shall be evenly distributed over the whole cable.IEC 60352-4-2020 pdf download.

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