Intrinsically safe electrical Systems

08-23-2021 comment

Intrinsically safe electrical Systems
IEC 60079-25
-2020 pdf download.Explosive atmospheres — Part 25: Intrinsically safe electrical Systems
Atmospheres explosives — Partie 25: Systémes électr,ques de sécurite intrinseque.
4 Descriptive system document
A descriptive system document shall be created for all intrinsically sate systems. The descriptive system document shall include the technical justification for the combination of the apparatus and shall include at a minimum the following:
a) a block diagram of the system listing all the items of apparatus within the system including simple apparatus and the interconnecting wiring:
b) a statement of the equipment Group subdivision (for equipment Groups II and Ill), the Level of Protection and the Equipment Protection Level (EPL) for each part of the system, the temperature classification, and the ambient temperature rating in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6:
C) the requirements and permitted parameters of the interconnecting wiring in accordance with Clause 8:
d) details of the earthing and bonding points on which intrinsic safety depends:
e) where applicable, the confirmation of apparatus as simple apparatus in accordance with
IEC 60079-11;
1) the result of the assessment of intrinsically safe systems in accordance with Clause 12: and
g) a unique document identification.
The requirements found in Clauses 5 through 12 shall be used to determine the content of the descriptive system document.
NOTE The descrptsve system document es not the same as the control drawing referred to rn IEC 60079-11.
Annex E shows an example of a typical diagram, illustrating the requirements of the descriptive system document.
5 Grouping and temperature classification
Parts of intrinsically safe systems that are intended br use in an explosive atmosphere shall be grouped in accordance with the equipment grouping requirements of IEC 60079-0 and be assigned a temperature class or a maximum surface temperature in accordance with the temperature requirements of IEC 60079-0 and IEC 60079-11.
Associated apparatus not intended for use in an explosive atmosphere shall only be grouped in accordance with the equipment grouping requirements of IEC 60079-0.
Where the intrinsically safe system or parts of the intrinsically safe system are specified as being suitable for operation outside the normal ambient temperature range of —20 °C and +40 °C, then this shall be specified in the descriptive system document.
4 Descriptive system document
A descriptive system document shall be created for all intrinsically sate systems. The descriptive system document shall include the technical justification for the combination of the apparatus and shall include at a minimum the following:
a) a block diagram of the system listing all the items of apparatus within the system including simple apparatus and the interconnecting wiring:
b) a statement of the equipment Group subdivision (for equipment Groups II and Ill), the Level of Protection and the Equipment Protection Level (EPL) for each part of the system, the temperature classification, and the ambient temperature rating in accordance with Clauses 5 and 6:
C) the requirements and permitted parameters of the interconnecting wiring in accordance with Clause 8:
d) details of the earthing and bonding points on which intrinsic safety depends:
e) where applicable, the confirmation of apparatus as simple apparatus in accordance with
IEC 60079-11;
1) the result of the assessment of intrinsically safe systems in accordance with Clause 12: and
g) a unique document identification.
The requirements found in Clauses 5 through 12 shall be used to determine the content of the descriptive system document.
NOTE The descrptsve system document es not the same as the control drawing referred to rn IEC 60079-11.
Annex E shows an example of a typical diagram, illustrating the requirements of the descriptive system document.
5 Grouping and temperature classification
Parts of intrinsically safe systems that are intended br use in an explosive atmosphere shall be grouped in accordance with the equipment grouping requirements of IEC 60079-0 and be assigned a temperature class or a maximum surface temperature in accordance with the temperature requirements of IEC 60079-0 and IEC 60079-11.
Associated apparatus not intended for use in an explosive atmosphere shall only be grouped in accordance with the equipment grouping requirements of IEC 60079-0.
Where the intrinsically safe system or parts of the intrinsically safe system are specified as being suitable for operation outside the normal ambient temperature range of —20 °C and +40 °C, then this shall be specified in the descriptive system document.IEC 60079-25-2020 pdf download.

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