General requirements and tests

08-25-2021 comment

General requirements and tests
IEC 60598-1-
2020 pdf download.Luminaires Part 1 : General requirements and tests.
0.3 General requirements
0.3.1 Lumlnawes shall be so designed and constructed that In normal use they function safely and cause no danger to persons or surroundings, In general, compliance Is checked by carrying Out all the tests Specified
0.3.2 A luminaire shalt comply with a part of IEC 60598-2. II. however, an appropriate part of IEC 60598-2 does not exist for a particular lummaire or group of luminaires. the nearest applicable part of IEC 60598-2 may be used as a guide to the requirements and tests.
Where the design of a luminaire ie such that two or more parts of IEC 60598-2 are applicable, the luminaire shall comply with both or all of the appropriate sections.
0.3.3 Semi-luminaires should be regarded as luminaires for test purposes.
0.4 General test requirements and verIfication
0.4.1 Tests according to this document are type tests. For the definition of a type tesr, see Section I,
The requirements and tolerances permitted by this document are related to testing of a type test sample submitted for that purpose. Compliance of the type test sample does not ensure compliance of the whole production of a manufacturer Compliance For production is the responsibility of the manufacturer and may include roubne tests and quality assurance in addition to type testing.
0.4.2 Except where otherwise specified in the sections of this document ot relevant part of IEC 60598-2, luminaires shalt be tested as delivered, and Installed as for normal use. In an ambient temperature of between 10 C and 30 C, having regard to the manufacturer’s installation instructions The lamp (or lamps) Is (are) not Included except where essential for the test.
Luminaires cannot be regarded as meeting the requirements of this document unless all internal wiring is complete
In general, the tests are made on a single sample luminaire or, where a range of similar luminaires is involved, on a single luminaire of each rated wattage In the range or on a representative selection from the range as agreed with the manufacturer (see Annex 5). This selection shall include the luminaire. together with any attachments, which represents the most unfavourable combination from a testing point of view.
Each sample lumiriaire shall comply with all the relevant tests, In order to reduce the time ci testing and to allow for any tests which may be destructive, the manufacturer may submit additional luminaires or parts of Iuminaires, provided that these are of the same materials and design as the original luminaire and that the results of the test are the same as If carried out on an Identical luminaire, Where the test for compliance Is shown as being by Inspectlon. this shall include any necessary handling.
For track-mounted luminaires the manufacturer shall provide, together with the luminaire. a sample of the appropriate track, connector and adaptors for the luminaire to be connected.
Combination lurninaires are tested for safety reqwremenls with mat assemblage of paris gives the most unfavourable result.
Certain parts of luminaires, guch as joints, raising and lowering devices. may be tested separately provided that the design of these parts kg such that their performance is not dependent upon the other parts of the lummaires.
Luminaires intended 10 be used with supply cords are tested with the flexible supply cord connected to the lumenaire
For luminaires Intended to be used with a shade, but not normally supplied with a shade, the manufacturer shall provide a shade, typical of the type thet might be used with the luminaire,
0.4.3 Verification and tests
Luminaires for testing to the requirements of this document may have earlier test reports updated in accordance with this document by submitting a new sample for test together with the previous test reports
Full type testing need not generally be necessary and the product and the previous lest results shall be reviewed only against any amended clauses marked R and scheduled in Annex R.
NOTE Ciousee rriaiked R and acf’ediAed in Aiinei R sill be Included in hAute ameridsi•nhlJediilons
0.5 Components of luminair.s
0.5.1 Components, other than integral components, shall comply with the requirements of the relevant IEC standards, if any.
Components which comply with the requirements of the relevant IEC standard and marked with Individual ratings are checked to establish that they suit the conditions which may occur in use. Aspects of use not covered by the respective standard shall require them to satisfy the additional relevant requirements of this documeni
Compliance is checked by inspection and the relevant tests.
Integral components shall comply as far as Is reasonable with the IEC component standards, as part of the luminaire
NOTE I Thu doci not estily that components need to be separately iest.d before approv.i of a,. iumiiaue.
NOtE 2 GuIdance on thq selection Cd components in ditlereni kindS of lumuneire. can be found in Annex L
Internal wiring of a lumenaire shall comply with the requirements in 5.3.
NOtE 3 This does riii .ilu.4i th. us. of standardIzed cables
0.5.2 Components complying with the requirements of their own standard and used in accordance with their intended use, shall only be tested to the requirements of this document where there are no requirements en the component standard (covering the requirement heading of this document).
A valid test report is considered adequate to show compliance.
Lampholders and startertiolders shall additionally comply with the gauging arid Inter. changeability requirements of the appropriate IEC component standard where applicable after building Into the luminaire.IEC 60598-1-2020 pdf download.

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